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© KiDoMa Flow, Marie-Amélie de Potter, design

KI DO MA is a concept of Martial Arts, meaning “The right ENERGY at the right MOMENT”
FLOW is the stream of life in which our actions and their results take place.
AWARENESS is the constant observer of this perfect life!

flows and AWARENESS glows!

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My “生き甲斐” - Projects

The Japanese word “ ikigai ” means “reason to live ”. According to the Japanese people, everyone has an “ ikigai “, hidden deep inside. Finding it requires reflection. The result of living according to your “ ikigai " is : energy, joy, enthusiasm and health.
In Vedanta, this “ ikigai ” is called “ dharma ”.

I’m glad to share my “ ikigai “ projects with you

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Gracefully rebalancing the monkey-mind!

Vision and Mission

The non-profit organisation believes that
satisfied and peaceful people interact with the environment in a more respectful, supportive and straightforward way
2) only
knowledge about who we truly are and how we truly function, leads to satisfaction and inner peace

Therefore the organisation aims at encouraging people to develop a qualitative mindset and a reflective attitude, both being the prerequisites of the sustainable enjoyer and the efficient contributor.

On behalf of Ki Do Ma
flow, I want to:

  • emphasise the importance of this physical and subtle body as a vehicle that can either drive us home or drive us crazy.
  • trigger people's awareness about Awareness
  • stimulate ethical values and free communication as a way to be successful
  • motivate people to Self-reflection
  • develop people's resilience and trust in this VUCA world
  • explain the difference between short-run satisfaction and endless happiness
  • make it clear that we do only have free will of our actions, but not of the results of our actions
  • keep the focus on the human aspects of material innovation
  • create bridges between the East and the West and generate intercultural curiosity

A part of the financial benefits or the active time will be offered to non-profit organisations, carefully selected to be in line with the values of the organisation.

These are the organisations Ki Do Ma
flow supports:

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The intended audience of Ki Do Ma flow is large: CEO's, managers, employees, unemployed, householders, doctors, therapists, patients, young, old, women and men
The only purpose of the activities is to increase humanity, comprehension, (self)respect and (self)consideration.

All custom-made programs can be delivered in English, Dutch or French and can be organized all over Belgium or abroad.
Both live and online sessions are possible.

Following programs will contribute to your happiness and inner peace:

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About me

Building up a life-journey is inevitable and joyful

But spending time to upload tremendous experiences and roaring diploma’s with a competitive attitude and a perfectionist drive is no longer a motivation for me!
Running up and down on professional, social, and private skyscrapers, and hanging out pictures of so called successes has no more meaning for me!
And I’m no longer ready to give up my health to gain more wealth!

For those who are still interested in my educational and professional career, please consult LinkedIn.

My passions:

  • Indian Vedantic wisdom and Sanskrit
  • Japanese culture, nature, aesthetics, food and language
  • Yoga and Martial Arts, Meditative Movements, Mantra Chanting
  • Travelling and building inter-cultural exchanges
  • Humans and Humanity
  • Life in all its expressions
  • Friendliness, grace and authenticity

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Marie-Amélie de Potter d'Indoye

Head Office
flow VZW
Prinsenbossen 4
8300 Knokke-Heist

+32 478 56 56 99

Registration Number:

Bank Account:
IBAN: BE15 3630 2406 4730